Saturday, July 23, 2011

Are you crazy?

Ok, I have gotten the typical comments when I go out with 6 kids. I get the ones that I would say, you never really think of as comments.  I guess you do though, because people usually use the same line.  "You've got your hands full". "You must be busy". Everyone always wants to know their ages. I guess maybe they want to see if they're "stairstepped". 

Occasionally you get Supermom references or the nosey questions about if you are done. I am surprised I do not get asked more often if they are all mine. I hear that's a common one, but since mine look cloned maybe I am immune to that. I did once nosily get asked if they all had the same father (they weren't with me at the time). I have also been asked if I am catholic and if I have a TV in my bedroom.  I am and I do, and your point is?

I have never actually gotten the first comment I would have thought of before I had 6 kids. "Are you crazy?". I have gotten implications of it though. You can tell from the inflection, when people say "that's great", that they really mean "better you than me". Or the southern comment "bless your heart" which the most polite translation pretty much can mean "you're crazy".

Today though I must have met someone who is a bit impulsive. They blurted out "are you crazy?" before they could stop themself. They did immediately apologize but they were being honest.  I have answered most of the other questions in another post way back when. Or at least I think I did, my memory is shot. Am I crazy? I absolutely am, sometimes. I am not crazy for having 6 kids. I love them all and they each bring something different to the family. As I tell my hubby when he asks if he's crazy, "which ones would you like to give back?". 

I am crazy because I have 6 kids. Dd you notice the difference?  I am not crazy for having them, they are what makes me crazy.  Yes, taking 6 kids to mass Sunday morning sometimes goes smoothly. Even when it does it is just controlled chaos. Loading 6 kids into a van is like loading a clown car. Packing stuff to take 6 kids swimming easily compares to packing for a vacation for a family of 4. A stockpile for a family of 4 feeds
my family for 2 weeks. Placing an order for 8 people through the drive thru is asking for a mistake. If none of that would drive you crazy, I even take them all to Chuck E Cheese.

Just so you know, I like being crazy, crazy is unique.  I don't like being bored.  Or maybe I'm just weird.  I wonder if that makes me "cool".  I mean my teen does have a flair on her wall that says "weird is the new normal" and a T shirt that says "if you think I'm crazy you should see my friends".  It sure sounds like being normal is "out".


  1. My Mom always just order 6 happy meals and then whet she and Dad wanted - no mistakes and we learned early on to be thankful to have the meal.

    And YOU ARE CRAZY! But all your friends and family still love you JUST THE WAY YOU ARE!

  2. I don't know if you're crazy or not :-) but you are a wonderful mom with some pretty great kids! Love you!

  3. Ok, after reading your teens version of cool...I'm finally there! :) Crazy is as crazy does, right? (And being a single mom of four...that makes me "crazy" "nice" roommate even goes so far as to tell me I should be more crazy because of my brood.)

    I love your blogs :)

  4. A friend just informed me yesterday that "normal is a setting on the washing machine, nothing else!" I'll take crazy any day :)

  5. We love you Brandi!!
    PS--I'm crazy too. 10 kids and I can SOOOOO relate to this post.
