Monday, March 28, 2011

A day of rest

Sunday, the Sabbath day, a day of rest, we should remember to keep holy the Sabbath.

I'm pretty sure I was doomed from the get go though. This Sunday started without having had much rest. Baby L has a runny nose and is teething, she had a mild fever that left, long enough to think it was OK to go to mass, but has since returned. The overcast, on and off raining, weather was not enough of a clue that today should be a day of rest.

When I finally decided we would indeed go to mass there wasn't enough time for pancakes, waffles, or eggs so my poor children were forced to eat...boxed cereal. I went up to awaken them and my hubby, only to be met by S6 and J4, already dressed for mass (albeit J4 had on a polo shirt and tie). What is that I hear?  Hubby is already in the shower even.  Ok, I can do this.

I collect clothes for baby L, A2 and myself. I even dress baby before I put her to morning nap. This Sunday though she won't put up with me putting her down. I slip my clothes on quickly then grab a Mei Tai from the closet and toss her onto my back.  With her snuggled in I start the Sunday morning routine. This consists of "B11, time to get up", "does everyone have their shoes", and checking to see if hubby is out of the bathroom yet so I can at least brush my teeth (maybe I should put one of my toothbrushes in one of the other bathrooms). It's only 9 am, I am doing good.  I then try to awaken B11 five more times.

After waking and getting A2 dressed I realize that I must have done something because 15 minutes has passed. Get in the car, everyone in the car, if you have your shoes and jacket go get in the car. E14 is
at her aunt's house and B11 wants to wear Crocs. You should never make small talk as you rush out the door. "How did J4 get his pants down?". "What? He didn't, he got some from his drawer". Upon closer
inspection his navy pants I thought were his dress slacks are actually athletic pants, I hope everyone else is just as mistaken when they glance at them. They'll probably go well with the Keen sandals he's putting on anyway.

I grab A2 and take her to the car. She hasn't had breakfast yet so I grab a cereal bar on our way. As I open her's I hear a chorus of "I want one too, I didn't like my cereal". I knew I never should have given (or even bought) them the marshmallow sweet cereal, they never like it. Several more cereal bars later I head back to the car, except I forgot B11s medicine.  Now we can leave, that is as soon as I remove Baby L from my back and buckle her. B11 brings honey buns instead of a cereal bar. Within 3 minutes of leaving the house I realize this, when the "hey, I wanted a honey bun" fight starts. Lucky for my hubby, he was still ironing so is in his own car several minutes behind us.  Not so lucky for me because that means I'll have to brush my hair at the red light instead of en route.

A2 was still eating so I opt to let her stay in the pew with us and finish. It is so picturesque in our pew. Hubby with baby L, me with oddly empty hands, J4 and S6 sitting nicely, E14 holding the surprisingly still toddler and B11 not even whining. By "picturesque" I mean I should have taken a picture because as soon as I did it would have been over.

Pass baby a toy, pick up dropped toy 6 times, take baby, pass baby between J4 and S6, who are begging to hold her, as you growl at them about talking in mass. Baby goes back to daddy and toddler to mommy.  That doesn't last long, let's switch. B11 is elbowing E14, who supposedly pushed her. Let's play more musical chairs, I move B11 all the way to the other end of the pew, next to daddy. Soon B11 is taking A2 out to the nursery, followed by daddy to make sure they get there.

In between all of that I somehow manage to help S6 and J4 to follow along, sing, listen, and pray. We even make it through mass with everyone still alive. Today was a good mass day. It wasn't the greatest, as kids were fidgety but that is age appropriate. No tantrums were had until we got to the car. No children, books, or other loud items were dropped. There wasn't even any screaming.

It sounds like chaos to most, something you wouldn't want to do weekly.  The children need mass though.  Besides, if we miss even 1 week, the next week is very hard. It doesn't matter how it sounds, I still get peace from attending mass. Even if I miss the Homily and only complete 1 prayer, I still feel better and start my week off right.

After mass we had to get some yarn for a project I had half done.  Then we couldn't resist the 60% off day at the consignment sale. I wouldn't exactly call it a day of rest.  But as I finally sit here with my sweet sleeping baby and my husband, the rest of the siblings playing together nicely, just taking a minute to actually rest (even if it was just 15 minutes before the dinner rush), I enjoy it.  My family is here together instead of all seperated like weekdays, we are healthy, we have food to eat, and we have a nice house (that needs cleaned).  I wouldn't want to spend my Sunday any other way.


  1. I feel the same way. Mass gives me such peace and if we miss the week just somehow doesn't feel complete...

  2. I feel the same, even with just two children. I honestly wish that priests during seminary were forced to attend mass with at least three children several times. I think it is necessary to appreciate Catholic family and mass dynamic!
